About Us

Our Mission

The Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of Michigan is committed to our MG Community by providing patient support, community connections, education, and advocacy.

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Our Vision

Living our best life with Myasthenia Gravis.

Our Values


Our patients come first.


We will treat everyone with dignity, kindness, and respect, ensuring every individual has a sense of belonging.


We will be transparent with the clarity of our purpose.


We will adhere to the highest ethical standards by being a cost-effective organization and good stewards of what we receive.


We will listen and learn from each other to increase our understanding, partnerships, resources, and connections.

You’re not alone - MG can affect people from all walks of life.

For unknown reasons, the immune system of MG patients produces antibodies that attack the junction between the nerve and muscle cells. The impulse from a healthy nerve is blocked or altered by these antibodies so it cannot reach the healthy muscle. This defect, along with a reduction of nerve receptor sites (There is as much as an 80% reduction in the number of these receptor sites with MG), causes fatigue and weakness of the myasthenic’s voluntary muscles.