A few Myasthenia Gravis (MG) patients in the Grand Rapids area became acquainted.
Through the insights gained by sharing with others with MG, the interest to start a local chapter evolved. The desire to educate patients, their families, and the public about this autoimmune neuromuscular illness contributed to this decision.
The Great Lakes Chapter received its charter from the Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc. (MGFA).
when a local company donated office space. In 1988 the first part-time staff person was hired, and ten years later a full-time Executive Director came on board.
MGMI’s part-time office administrator and elected Board of Trustees provide support and governance with advice from its Medical Advisory Board. Support meetings are held in several locations throughout Michigan and virtually to provide opportunities for patients, their families, and friends to learn about the illness and share tips on living with the condition. A variety of educational materials are available to patients, the public, and medical professionals. A Foundation newsletter features local and state activities and medical and or patient-oriented articles. Trained volunteers are available to assist newly diagnosed patients in adjusting to their illnesses and for in-hospital visits.
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